What exercises should be a part of every person’s fitness routine?
Creating a great fitness routine is very important if you want to stay in shape. Making sure that you establish a proper routine is crucial if you want to improve your heart health. With that in mind, it can be very difficult to figure out what exercises you should do. However, you don’t need to start with the heavier, more complex exercises. Simpler exercises can still be very effective, if you do them properly. Here are some of the best exercises to try out!
Stretching is more than helpful when it comes to staying in shape. It allows you to prevent injuries, while also improving the motion range of your joints. It’s a great idea to start stretching, and there are all kinds of stretching methods you can try out, depending on your needs. You can go for a shoulder stretch, quad stretch, hamstring stretch or calf stretch, among many others.
Cardio activities
Aerobic activities can be great for your health. Even a bit of jobbing, walking or running can help you stay in great shape. You will also be able to maintain a very good health and the best part is that you can try out new cardio activities all the time. Plus, cardio exercises reduce the risk of strokes, heart disease, diabetes and many other health issues.
Chest presses
Chest presses can be great because they allow you to work on your core and upper body. These areas tend to be neglected sometimes. However, a chest press is not that hard to do. And the best part is that you can perform as many reps as you want. It’s not something restrictive, and you will find it to convey and deliver a tremendous result.
Squats are very good for many reasons, because not only are they useful if you want to work on your lower back, stomach and legs. With that in mind, these are easy to do, and the best part is that you can perform as many of these as you want at home. All you need is to give these a try for yourself, and you will find them to deliver excellent results.
Lunges are great for many different reasons. They can make it easy to work on your glutes and upper legs. Plus, lunges are the type of exercise that you can do at home with ease. Some people even combine lunges with weightlifting, but that’s up to you. In the end, this can be a great approach if you’re looking to improve your routine, and it’s totally worth taking into account. Plus, the best part is that lunges are very fun to do, and they also help you work on your knees too.
Planks are also very useful if you want to exercise at home without a lot of equipment. The advantage of planks is that you can work on your shoulders, back and core as well. Granted, it can take a little bit to get used to planking. But the benefit is that you can improve your balance, work on your forearms and toes, not to mention it can be a relaxing activity too.
Push-ups and pull-ups
Both push-ups and pull-ups are great in their own right. You can use them in order to improve your health, and the best part is that you can target many body parts. These are great for your core, triceps, shoulders, chest and wrists. It’s a great idea to try and do push-up variations if possible, since they can help you focus on certain muscles.
Shoulder presses
A shoulder press is very good because it helps target your muscles, and you can use a multitude of different weights. That makes it an excellent option for anyone looking to boost their muscle mass, and it works a lot better than expected.
Martial Arts
Martial Arts provides you with an opportunity to ‘Learn while you Burn’. In a martial arts class, you might find yourself doing all of the exercises above. Why not learn to defend yourself while getting some of the best exercises for you. From flexibility, to physical strength, to mental toughness, and humility…Martial Arts gives you all of these things. Try our Boxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, or Strength and Conditioning classes at Ultimate Combat Training Center and find yourself getting into the shape of your life, while learning some valuable tools to defend yourself.